مواصفات المنتج
مواصفات المنتج
MasterGlenium 118 A high-performance polycarboxylic ether based superplasticiser
How does MasterGlenium 118 work?
MasterGlenium 118 is differentiated from conventional superplasticisers in that it is based on a unique carboxylic ether polymer with long lateral chains, which greatly improves the dispersing effect. After the addition of MasterGlenium 118 at the start of the concrete mixing process electrostatic repulsion occurs, the same as found with conventional superplasticisers, however the presence of the of the lateral chains, which are linked to the polymer backbone, generate a steric hindrance which stabilises the cement particles tendency to separate and disperse. The mechanism provides flowable concrete with greatly reduced water demand.
MasterGlenium 118 meets the requirements of:
- ASTM C494 Types F and G
- EN 934-2
What is MasterGlenium 118 used for?
MasterGlenium 118 is designed for use in the manufacture of high quality structural concrete elements, sprayed concrete and mass concrete.
Concrete mixes made with MasterGlenium 118 generally have very good slump retention making it suitable for use for long transit times.
What are the benefits of MasterGlenium 118?
MasterGlenium 118 has been formulated specifically for use in the tropical climates and it offers the following advantages to:
The Ready-mix Producer:
Capability of delivering high quality concrete at any time to the job site in place.
Production of a concrete with low water cement ratio that meets EN 206-1 without loss of workability.
Single product for most applications from everyday water reducing to Self-compacting Concrete.
The Contractor / Applicator:
Easier placing.
Improved concrete surfaces.
Guarantee to place the same concrete as specified and ordered from ready-mix plant.
More versatile and forgiving concrete mix.
The Engineer:
Insurance that concrete meets original specification.
High quality concrete with better durability
MasterGlenium® 3005
Polycarboxylic ether based superplasticizer for the production of high quality ready-mix concrete
MasterGlenium® 3005 is an innovative latest generation superplasticizer based on polycarboxylic ether (PCE) polymers, and is specially engineered for ready-mix concrete.
MasterGlenium® 3005 is differentiated from conventional superplasticisers, such as those based on sulphonated naphthalene formaldehyde condensate in that it is based on a unique carboxylic ether polymer with long lateral chains. This greatly improves cement dispersion. At the start of the mixing process the same electrostatic dispersion occurs but the presence of the lateral chains, linked to the polymer backbone, generate a steric hindrance which stabilises the cement particles capacity to separate and disperse.
This mechanism provides flowable concrete with greatly reduced water demand.
MasterGlenium® 3005 is used for the production of high quality ready-mix concrete.
- Capability of delivering high performance concrete at any time to the job site in place
- Production of a concrete with low water cement ratios with excellent workability retention properties.
- Single product for many application needs
MasterGlenium® 3005 is supplied in 1,000 litre containers or in bulk.
ASTM C-494 Type F&G
BS EN 934-2
The normally recommended dosage rate of MasterGlenium® 3005 is 0.8 to 3.0 litre per 100kg of total cementitious material.
Other dosages may be recommended in special cases according to the specific site conditions. In this case please consult our Technical Services Department for advice.
- Easier placing and faster strength development
- Improved concrete surfaces
- Insurance that concrete meets original specification
- High quality durable concrete
MasterGlenium ACE 3383 – Admixture Controlled Energy Essential component of Zero Energy system. A chloride free, new generation of polycarboxylic ether superplasticizer
MasterGlenium ACE 3383 is an innovative third generation of polycarboxylic ether polymers superplasticizer. The particular molecular configuration of MasterGlenium ACE 3383 accelerates the cement hydration.
Where is MasterGlenium ACE 3383 applied?
MasterGlenium ACE 3383 is suitable for making precast concrete elements with Rheoplastic concrete having fluid consistence, no segregation and low water cement ratio and, consequently, high early and long-term strengths.
MasterGlenium ACE 3383 may be used in combination with MasterGlenium STREAM admixtures for producing Rheodynamic concrete, capable of selfcompaction, even in the presence of dense reinforcement, without the aid of vibration, for making precast elements.
What are the advantages of MasterGlenium ACE 3383?
MasterGlenium ACE 3383 offers the following benefits for the precast concrete industry to:
- Produce Rheoplastic and Rheodynamic concrete having a low water cement ratio
- Optimize the curing cycles by reducing curing time or curing temperature
- Eliminate the heat curing
- Eliminate the energy required for placing and compaction and curing (ZERO ENERGY)
- Increase productivity
- Improve surface appearance
- Produce durable precast concrete elements as per EN 206-1
- As compared to the traditional superplasticizers, the engineering properties such as early and ultimate compressive and flexural strengths, bond to steel, and modulus of elasticity, shrinkage, creep, and impermeability are improved
MasterGlenium ACE 457 – Essential component of ZERO ENERGY SYSTEM – A new generation of high-performance polycarboxylate ether (PCE) superplasticizers for the Precast industry
MasterGlenium ACE 457 (Admixture Controlled Energy) consists of a range of innovative superplasticizers based on newly developed polycarboxylate ether polymers. The particular molecular configuration of MasterGlenium ACE 457 accelerates the cement hydration by exposing increased surface of the cement grains to react with water.
As a result, it is possible to obtain earlier development of the heat of hydration, rapid development of the hydration products and, as a consequence, higher strengths at very early age. The polymer structure of MasterGlenium ACE 457 is specially designed to improve the rheology of precast concrete, making it very flowable and low viscous even at very low water/cement ratios, without increasing stickiness. Robustness is a distinctive feature of the precast concrete produced with MasterGlenium ACE 457.
Where is MasterGlenium ACE 457 applied?
MasterGlenium ACE 457 is suitable for making precast concrete elements with highly-fluid concrete without segregation but low water cement ratio and, consequently, high early and final strengths. MasterGlenium ACE 457 may be used in combination with RheoMATRIX for producing advanced self-compacting concrete like Smart Dynamic Concrete (SDC, latest Vtype SCC), without the aid of vibration, for economic, ecological and ergonomic precast production.
What are the advantages of MasterGlenium ACE 457?
MasterGlenium ACE 457 offers the following benefits for the precast concrete industry:
- Production of highly flowable, robust selfcompacting concrete having a low water cement ratio along with an optimal rheology
- Enhanced robustness and consistency in concrete quality with low stickiness
- Environmentally friendly, CO2 reduced mixdesign optimization. Elimination of heat curing
- Improved surface appearance
- Durable precast concrete elements as per EN 206-1
- Elimination of the energy required for placing, compaction and curing (ZERO ENERGY)
- Optimization of the curing cycles by reducing curing time or curing temperature
- Increased productivity
MasterGlenium RMC 315 – A unique third generation superplasticiser, developed especially for the ready mix or pre-cast market where high early strength, highest concrete quality and aesthetically superb surfaces are of importance
MasterGlenium RMC 315 is a unique third generation superplasticiser based on modified polycarboxylic ether. The product has been primarily developed for the use in the concrete industry where the highest durability and performance are required. MasterGlenium RMC 315 is free of chloride and low alkali. It complies with BS 5075 Part 3 and EN934-2. MasterGlenium RMC 315 is compatible with all types of cement.
Where is MasterGlenium RMC 315 applied?
- The excellent dispersion effect makes MasterGlenium RMC 315 the ideal admixture for high quality concrete industry.
- The ability to work with an extremely low w/c ratio allows for the manufacture performance concrete early (18-24 hours) and final strengths. Concrete of high density, low permeability is also produced.
What are the advantages of MasterGlenium RMC 315?
- Flowable concrete with the lowest w/c ratio without segregation or blending
- Allows reduction of curing cycles – i.e. time or temperature Possibility of the elimination of steam curing
- Allows concrete production at low temperature
- Less vibration required, even in case of congested steel reinforcement
- Less workmanship required
- Improves concrete surface finish and texture
- Compared to traditional superplasticisers, the addition of MasterGlenium RMC 315 will improve the
- Physical pro
MasterGlenium SKY 3888 – A latest generation high-performance polycarboxylate ether (PCE) superplasticizer for the Readymix industry when extended workability retention is required
How does it work?
What is it used for?
What are the benefits?
MasterGlenium SKY 909 – A workability-Retaining Admixture
MasterGlenium SKY 909 admixture is a revolutionary new technology based on significant advances in admixture chemistry. MasterGlenium SKY 909 admixture is used as part of an admixture system to provide customized admixture solutions for a wide range of concrete applications. MasterGlenium SKY 909 admixture is a workability-retaining admixture that provides flexible degrees of slump retention without retardation.
Where is MasterGlenium SKY 909 applied?
MasterGlenium SKY 909 is recommended for use in:
- Concrete with varying slump requirements
- Concrete mixtures utilizing supplementary cementitious materials
- Concrete where high flowability, increased stability and durability are needed
- Ready-mixed and precast concrete
- Production of self-consolidating concrete in (SCC) mixtures.
What are the advantages of MasterGlenium SKY 909?
MasterGlenium SKY 909 offers the following benefits:
- Promotes greater consistency of concrete workability at the jobsite
- Promotes consistency in compressive strengths via minimized jobsite addition of water
- Minimizes re-dosing of high-range waterreducing admixture at the job site
- Consistent air-entrainment
- Fewer rejected loads and better customer satisfaction due to consistent quality of concrete
- Faster truck turn-around time
- Expanded concrete delivery range
MasterGlenium 51 – a high range water reducing admixture for concrete
How does MasterGlenium 51 work?
MasterGlenium 51 is an innovative admixture based on modified polycarboxylic ether (PCE) polymers. The product has been primarily developed for the use in the concrete industry where the highest durability and performance is required.
What differentiates MasterGlenium 51 from the traditional superplasticizers is a unique mechanism of action that greatly improves the effectiveness of cement dispersion. Traditional superplasticizers based on melamine and naphthalene sulphonates are polymers, which are absorbed by the cement granules. They wrap around the granules’ surface areas at the very early stage of the concrete mixing process. The sulfonic groups of the polymer chains increase the negative charge of the cement particle surface and disperse these particles by electrical repulsion.
This electrostatic mechanism causes the cement paste to disperse and has the positive consequence of requiring less mixing water to obtain a given concrete workability. MasterGlenium 51 has a different chemical structure from the traditional superplasticizers. It consists of a carboxylic ether polymer with long side chains.
At the beginning of the mixing process it initiates the same electrostatic dispersion mechanism as the traditional superplasticizers, but the side chains linked to the polymer backbone generate a steric hindrance, which greatly stabilises the cement particles’ ability to separate and disperse.
Steric hindrance provides a physical barrier (alongside the electrostatic barrier) between the cement grains. With this process, flowable concrete with greatly reduced water content is obtained.
What is MasterGlenium 51 used for?
The excellent dispersion effect makes MasterGlenium 51 the ideal admixture for the high quality concrete industry. The ability to work with an extremely low water/cement ratio allows for the manufacture of high performance concrete with high early (18-24 hours) and final strengths. Concrete of high density, low permeability is also produced.
What are the benefits of MasterGlenium 51?
MasterGlenium 51 offers the following benefits:
- Flowable concrete with the lowest water/cement ratio.
- Allows reduction of curing cycles – i.e. time or temperature.
- Possibility of elimination of steam curing.
- Allows concrete production at low temperature.
- Less vibration required even in case of congested steel reinforcement.
- Less workmanship required.
- Improves concrete surface finish and texture.
- Compared to traditional superplasticizers, the addition of MasterGlenium 51 will improve the physical properties and thus the durability of concrete.
MasterGlenium 51 increases:
- Initial and final compressive strength.
- Initial and final flexural and tensile strength.
- E-modulus.
- adhesion to reinforcement and prestressed steel.
- resistance to carbonation and chloride ion attack of concrete.
- resistance to aggressive atmospheric conditions.
MasterGlenium 51 decreases:
- Risk of shrinkage.
- Creep.
MasterGlenium ACE 30 – A chloride free, new generation of polycarboxylic ether superplasticizer.
Description and filed of application MasterGlenium ACE 30 is an innovative second generation of polycarboxylic ether polymers superplasticizer. The particular molecular configuration of MasterGlenium ACE 30 accelerates the cement hydration. Rapid adsorption of the molecule onto the cement particles, combined with an efficient dispersion effect, exposes increased surface of the cement grains to react with water. As a result of this effect, it is possible to obtain earlier development of the heat of hydration, rapid development of the hydration products and, as a consequence, higher strengths at very early age.
Where is Master Glenium ACE 30 applied?
MasterGlenium ACE 30 is suitable for making precast concrete elements with Rheoplastic concrete having fluid consistence, no segregation and low water cement ratio and, consequently, high early and long-term strengths.
MasterGlenium ACE 30 may be used in combination with MasterGlenium STREAM admixtures for producing Rheodynamic concrete, capable of selfcompaction, even in the presence of dense reinforcement, without the aid of vibration, for making precast elements.
What are the advantages of MasterGlenium ACE 30?
MasterGlenium ACE 30 offers the following benefits for the precast concrete industry to:
- Produce Rheoplastic and Rheodynamic concrete having a low water cement ratio
- Optimize the curing cycles by reducing curing time or curing temperature
- Eliminate the heat curing
- Eliminate the energy required for placing and compaction and curing (ZERO ENERGY) Increase productivity
- Improve surface appearance
- Produce durable precast concrete elements as per EN 206-1
- As compared to the traditional superplasticizers, the engineering properties such as early and ultimate compressive and flexural strengths, bond to steel, modulus of elasticity, shrinkage, creep, and impermeability are improved.



ماسترغلينيوم MasterGlenium
اضافات كيميائية لتقليل الماء في الخلطة الخرسانية
كيف تعمل اضافات ماسترغلينيوم لتقليل الماء؟
تتكون منتجات ماسترغلينيوم المقدمة من ماستر بيلدرز سولوشنز من مجموعة حديثة واسعة من الاضافات المصممة خصيصاً للخلطات الخرسانية التي تتطلب الاحتفاظ بقابلية الصب للخلطة الخرسانية، القوة العالية / المبكرة والمتانة. الخلطات الخرسانية التي تحتوي على هذه المنتجات الرائدة تمكن من ايصال الخلطة الخرسانية لمسافات بعيدة واستخدامها في الأجواء الحارة والباردة.
ما الذي يجعل ماسترغلينيوم حل نموذجي للاستخدام في الخرسانة؟
تتميز تقنية ماسترغلينيوم الفريدة من نوعها بتحسين خواص الخلطات الخرسانية اللتي تتطلب قوة عالية، سهولة الصب، ذات نفاذية وامتصاص قليل للماء، مع تقليل انكماش الخرسانة.
هذه التقنية تقدم الحلول المثالية للخرسانة في حالتها السائلة و بعد التصلد مع مظهر ذو جودة عالية للسطح الخارجي.
واستنادا إلى أحدث تقنيات صناعة البوليمرات، تحتوي مجموعة ماسترغلينيوم على العديد من المكونات المصنعة خصيصا لتقديم حلول غير مسبوقة لمواجهة تحديات أداء و صب الخلطات الخرسانية.
استعمال منتجات المُصنِّع الأفضل لاضافات الخرسانة أمر مهم جداً للنجاح.


